
The Buy Menu is a menu that can be opened as a Traitor or Detective by pressing C. Various equipment may be purchased here for role credits, which are obtained throughout the round and do not transfer over to new rounds.

Items may be favorited, which adds them to the radial quick buy menu.

Equipment Description Notes
Disguiser Hide your name from other players, so you can act without being known. Bind a key to "ttt_toggle_disguise" to use.
Explosive Crossbow Explosive arrows. From a crossbow. Shoots a Sticky Grenade which explodes after one second.
Flare Gun Burns bodies to a crisp.
Knife One slice, one kill. Is consumed upon use.
Teleporter Store a location with left click, then travel there again with left click.

Equipment Description Notes
Body Finder Pings body locations, showing them to you.

Equipment Description Notes
Ammo Bin Grants up to 300% ammo to your reserves. Can be purchased multiple times.
Blink In a blink of an eye, they were gone. Must charge after use.
Body Armor Reduces incoming damage.
Lightsaber Temporary lightsaber to use the force on.
Newton Launcher Push with left click, pull with right click. Hold down the mouse button to charge the shot.
Radar Pings players' locations, showing them to you.

Equipment Notes
Role Scanner Exclusive to the TTVillage random round. Use it on another player to scan their role. Must be charged before using.
Wink Exclusive to some mini and random rounds. Lesser version of the Blink.
